Winter Skin Issues and How Fayetteville Dermatology Can Help

During the winter season, focusing on the holidays and your friends and family is fun, but random skin issues can distract from the fun. These skin issues can be anything from dry skin to a flare-up. Here at Reflections Skin Dermatology, we can identify and treat these issues for you. In Fayetteville, dermatology at our practice provides you with all the care you need.

Itchy and Dry Skin

This is one of the most common winter skin problems. Your hands, face, and other areas quickly become dry from the cold and clothing rubbing against your skin, leading to itchy skin. Scratching too much often leads to the skin breaking, which can cause infection. 

This is a manageable problem; wearing weather-appropriate clothes and applying lotion throughout the day, especially after you wash your hands, can significantly change your skin condition. With these issues, we also cover pediatric Fayetteville dermatology.

UV Damage

Surprisingly, this condition is present in more than just the summer. It can happen at any time of year but is more pronounced in the summer. It is easy to forget to apply sunscreen in the winter weather, whether you think it is because of the season or because you aren’t in the sun for long enough to get burned. Applying sunscreen after your moisturizer can provide the most use of both products and prevent UV damage.


Winter weather can lead to your skin conditions flaring up. With eczema, the dry air and heating system can lead to a flare-up. Psoriasis, different from eczema, is another condition that can become irritated during the winter season. Anything that weakens the immune system can cause a psoriasis flare-up. 

Rosacea is another skin condition that can be affected by the winter; the winds and heat can cause flare-ups. With all of these conditions, moisturizers, staying hydrated, using a humidifier, or a gentle body wash can help to heal your skin. Wear clothes that work well for the weather to help your skin.

[Related Article: How to Layer Your Clothes for Cold Weather Workouts]

Skin Solutions for Fayetteville Dermatology

We offer appointments for your Fayetteville dermatology needs. Whether you are questioning a mole or looking to get treated for a winter-induced skin flare-up, we are here to help. No matter the request, we are happy to provide you with reliable and relieving care. Learn more about us on our website. Call to book an appointment today.